
A Survey of Deep learning in Advancing Steel Industry Standards
Document Type
2024 20th CSI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP) Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), 2024 20th CSI International Symposium on. :1-7 Feb, 2024
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Deep learning
Technological innovation
Machine vision
Steel industry
Artificial Intelligence
Energy and Fluid Transmission
Steel Industry
Machine Vision
Industrial Performance
The global significance of the steel industry as an economic cornerstone cannot be overstated, with its pivotal role in construction, automotive manufacturing, and pipe production. This paper investigates the transformative influence of deep learning, encompassing machine vision and artificial intelligence, on elevating performance standards within the steel industry. The industry’s critical contribution to manufacturing building materials, automotive components, and high-value energy and fluid transmission pipes underscores the need for continuous technological evolution. Machine vision and artificial intelligence have emerged as pivotal catalysts in the pursuit of precision data analysis and enhanced industrial performance. This research explores the escalating importance of these technologies, elucidating their substantial impact on refining industrial processes within the steel sector. Recognized as powerful instruments for progression and optimization, machine vision and artificial intelligence contribute significantly to the industry’s technological landscape. This study comprehensively reviews pertinent articles to delve into the myriad applications of machine vision and artificial intelligence in the steel industry. By scrutinizing the latest developments and applications, the paper aims to provide a thorough understanding of how these technologies are actively shaping the industry’s landscape. The findings underscore the instrumental role of deep learning in augmenting efficiency, fostering innovation, and ultimately advancing the standards of the steel industry on a global scale.