
Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relay in Free Space Optics Systems
Document Type
2024 International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICICACS) Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICICACS), 2024 International Conference on. :1-4 Feb, 2024
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Fading channels
Optical losses
Free-space optical communication
Processor scheduling
Atmospheric modeling
Free Space Optics
Two-Way Relay
Quantum Cascade Lasers
Turbulence Effects
Fading Effects
Free Space Loss
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of Two-Way Relay (TWR) aided Free Space Optics (FSO) systems in a variety of atmospheric conditions, such as route loss, aiming errors, and atmospheric turbulence. In order to illustrate the effects of varying levels of turbulence, ranging from mild to severe, several statistical models are employed, such as log-normal and Gamma-Gamma, to represent the fading caused by air turbulence. There is a remarkable degree of congruence between the theoretical evidence and the experimental data in these models. For the system and channel models that have been provided, the statistical features of the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are computed. Furthermore, the evaluation of error performance involves the computation of the mean Symbol Error Rate (SER) for M-PSK modulation. Bi-directional cooperative relaying schemes have demonstrated their ability to enhance the spectral efficiency of FSO networks connecting two users. TWR is expanded in a multiple user FSO system by implementing several multiuser scheduling techniques at the TWR to choose a single user-pair. The TWR facilitates a two-way communication connection between the designated pair of users. An optical channel is considered that experiences fading due to aiming errors and air turbulence, modelled using the M-distribution. For the system and scheduling approaches that have been given, closed form methods are utilized in order to compute the outage probability and bit error rate (BER). The expressions are formed using Meijer's G-function, which provides succinct and easily calculable formulas. In addition, the discussion includes asymptotic expressions to gain a deeper understanding of the analytical conclusions that have been produced.