
Teaching ability improvement method based on error feedback
Document Type
2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE) ICAIE Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE), 2020 International Conference on. :489-492 Jun, 2020
Computing and Processing
Artificial intelligence
teaching ability
error feedback
curriculum knowledge points
teaching process data
teaching Source data
As the core of improving the quality of teachers in colleges, teaching ability is a hot issue of teachers’ team construction in the new era. At present, most of the methods used to improve the teaching ability of teachers in colleges come from various training programs formulated manually. These methods are usually affected by problems such as teacher training resources and incomplete programs, and the improvement effect is not obvious. This paper proposes a teaching error feedback model based on the curriculum knowledge points and classroom audio and video source data generated in the classroom teaching process. This model can generate teaching error feedback reports through the correlation between subjective data and objective data. The report is helpful to improve teachers’ teaching strategies, student learning methods, and management modes of teaching managers, and has important reference for improving teacher training models, innovating teacher training models, and implementing excellent teacher training plans.