
Static Image Analysis of Two Dimensional Projection of Particles
Document Type
2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT) Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2023. :1-6 Dec, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Signal Processing and Analysis
Technological innovation
Image analysis
Statistical analysis
Particle measurements
Anomaly detection
Particle visualization and analysis using static image analysis has emerged as a valuable technique in the study of particle behaviour and characteristics in a two-dimensional environment. The significance of this analysis unveils essential insights into particle size, shape, and overarching characteristics. This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for particle analysis using image processing, based on a combination of previously advocated methods and papers which have been referenced to help the reader further understand the concept of static image analysis of particles. Advanced imaging equipment is employed for data acquisition, followed by preprocessing techniques. The watershed segmentation algorithm is applied to precisely separate individual particles, even in complex cases. Geometric properties are computed, enabling insights into particle size, shape, and characteristics. Statistical analysis allows for comparisons across datasets, facilitating better understanding and anomaly detection. This methodology serves as a powerful tool for particle analysis in nanotechnology, fluid dynamics, and biomedical research, leading to advancements in various applications.