
New Data From the Integration of the Los Alamos MK-X and R43S6 Flux Compression Generators
Document Type
2021 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC) Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), 2021 IEEE. :1-6 Dec, 2021
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Nuclear Engineering
Radio frequency
Transmission line measurements
Los Alamos National Laboratory has a long history of developing and fielding high explosive pulsed power (HEPP) components and systems. In recent years, the Ranchero flux compression generator (FCG or generator) has been modified for improved high current performance, and a new helical flux compression generator (HFCG), the MK-X, has been designed to provide higher initial flux for Ranchero FCGs than can be achieved with the existing capacitor bank at Los Alamos HEPP test facilities. Integrating these two FCGs into a system is the focus of current development, and the first full system test has been performed. The system consists of a MK-X coupled efficiently to an R43S6 FCG with an exploratory pulse forming network (PFN) connecting the FCGs to the load. "R43S6" has become the shorthand designation for a Ranchero module with a 43 cm coaxial section and a Swooped output using a 6 inch diameter coaxial high explosive charge. The goal is to deliver ~50 MA to physics loads on microsecond time scales, and the following material illuminates the design philosophy and summarizes the outcome of the discussions and tests. Analysis of test data is still in progress, and a preliminary synopsis of results is given. Details of our PFN work are given by Gianakon [1] in this conference.