
Cost Assessment for Transmission and Transformation Projects Considering Carbon Reduction and Energy Saving
Document Type
2023 4th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES) Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES), 2023 4th International Conference on. :939-943 Dec, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Knowledge engineering
Power transmission lines
Energy conservation
Carbon dioxide
Carbon reduction and energy saving technology
transmission and substation engineering
analytic hierarchy process
life cycle cost
In the face of the challenges of climate change and increased extreme weather events, global emissions reductions have become a top priority. The power sector is a major source of carbon emissions, with transmission and distribution having a significant impact on costs. The aim of this paper is to use hierarchical analysis to calculate the weights of the indicators and determine the impact on the cost of transmission and distribution projects. Among the 11 typical transmission and distribution carbon reduction and energy saving technologies selected, the clean energy grid—connection technology has the highest weight. In addition, based on the full life cycle theory, an evaluation model considering the impact of carbon reduction and energy saving value on economic cost is constructed, and the "LCC+C" comprehensive pricing technology is proposed.