
Research on Image Recognition and Grading Method of Apple Based on Machine Vision
Document Type
2022 2nd International Conference on Computer Science, Electronic Information Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology (CEI) Computer Science, Electronic Information Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology (CEI), 2022 2nd International Conference on. :511-515 Sep, 2022
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Image recognition
Image color analysis
Machine vision
Noise reduction
Support vector machine classification
Process control
machine vision
image processing
Multi-feature fusion
In order to achieve intelligent, fast and accurate grading of apples, Apple's image acquisition and recognition system has been built, which is based on machine vision technology. Through color-to-gray, image noise reduction, image enhancement, and image segmentation processing of the collected image, three characteristics of the shape, size and color of the apple were recognized. Taking the 3 features of the apple identified from the image recognized as input, a multi-feature fusion classification method based on image processing and SVM was proposed in this paper. Through the constructed SVM vector machine, the apple's shape, size and color are synthesized to judge the apple's grade. The experimental results show that the classification method has the characteristics of high recognition rate and good real-time performance. This method lays the foundation for the application of machine vision technology in apple grading.