
Gamma Reaction History for the NIF
Document Type
2009 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science - Abstracts Plasma Science - Abstracts, 2009. ICOPS 2009. IEEE International Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2009
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Atomic measurements
Gamma ray detection
Gamma ray detectors
Optical recording
National security
Time measurement
Summary form only given. Bang time and reaction history measurements are fundamental components of diagnosing ICF implosions and will be essential contributors to diagnosing attempts at ignition on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Fusion gammas provide a direct measure of fusion interaction rate without being compromised by Doppler spreading. Gamma based Gas Cherenkov Detectors that convert fusion gamma rays to optical Cherenkov photons for collection by fast recording systems have been developed and fielded at Omega. These systems have established their usefulness in illuminating ICF physics in several experimental campaigns. Bang time precision better than 25 ps has been demonstrated, well below the 50 ps accuracy requirement defined by the NIF System Design Requirements. A staged approach of implementing Gamma Reaction History (GRH) diagnostics on the NIF has been initiated. In the early stage multiple detectors located close to target chamber center (2 m & 6 m) and coupled to photo-multiplier tubes are geared toward the lower yield THD campaign. In the later stage, streak-camera coupled instruments will be used for improved temporal resolution at the higher yields expected from the DT ignition campaign. Multiple detectors will allow for increased dynamic range and gamma energy spectral information.