
A Dual-band Broadbeam Circularly Polarized Antenna For GNSS Applications
Document Type
2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT) Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), 2019 International Conference on. :1-3 May, 2019
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
circular polarization
broad beamwidth
GNSS antenna
A dual-band broadbeam circularly polarized antenna for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications is discussed. The antenna consists of two similar dipoles and a wideband power divider. The two perpendicular dipoles and the power divider with 90° phase difference could offer the circular polarization. To broaden the beam width and miniaturize the antenna, the circular dipoles are adopted. Two pair dipoles, with different size, are connected by the strip lines and capacitors. The prototype is fabricated and measured at 1268MHz in the low band and 1575MHz in the high band which agrees with the simulation results. The antenna has a wide 3dB AR beamwidth of 197.3º and 101.1º at 1268MHz and 1575MHz, respectively.