
DCI-PFGL: Decentralized Cross-Institutional Personalized Federated Graph Learning for IoT Service Recommendation
Document Type
IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 11(8):13837-13850 Apr, 2024
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Internet of Things
Data models
Federated learning
Feature extraction
Differential privacy
Graph neural networks
Data security
federated learning (FL)
graph neural network (GNN)
Internet of Things (IoT) service recommendation
The massive amount of data on the Internet of Things (IoT) drives recommendation systems (RSs) based on graph neural network (GNN) to fully play a role in improving user experience. However, data sharing and centralized storage can pose serious security threats. Even though federated learning (FL) can render data “available but not visible,” the heterogeneity of graph data within IoT institutions can result in limitations in recommendation performance. To address the issues, we propose a privacy-preserving decentralized cross-institutional federated graph learning framework called DCI-PFGL for IoT service recommendation, which alleviates the negative impact of data heterogeneity while protecting data security. Our approach extracts graph feature embeddings using the shortest path graph kernel. These embeddings are then anonymized and compared on a blockchain through smart contracts, which helps match partner IoT institutions with lower data heterogeneity. Subsequently, IoT institutions within the same partition collaborate in federated graph learning. We also ensure the protection of transmitted information through differential privacy measures. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments on two benchmark data sets. Results demonstrate that DCI-PFGL outperforms other approaches in terms of system accuracy and collaboration costs.