
Application of Internet of things in data aggregation system of electric power construction equipment
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC) AIIPCC Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC), 2022 International Conference on. :165-168 Aug, 2022
Computing and Processing
Microservice architectures
Computer architecture
Information processing
Data aggregation
Position measurement
Internet of things
Power construction equipment
Data aggregation system
Ability assessment
The Internet of Things (IOT) is a complex application of a variety of technologies. Communicate and exchange information in a mutually agreed manner by identifying radio frequencies, global positioning, use of measurement data, and other items. In order to implement the strategic goal of “three types of two networks and world-class”, the design of the technical architecture of the intelligent IOT data aggregation Center for electrical equipment based on micro services is proposed. This article studies and applies microservices and container technologies, designs the technical architecture of the intelligent IOT data aggregation Center for electrical equipment based on microservices, and solves the problems of collaborative development and deployment of distributed and heterogeneous environments in state grid companies. Through the development and application of the intelligent IOT data aggregation Center for electrical equipment, the IOT data and business data of various categories are transmitted, aggregated, interacted and stored, and the data are mined, analyzed and applied, which strongly supports the application of material companies in bidding procurement, quality supervision, capacity evaluation and fault analysis, and achieves the effect of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and improving quality and management level.