
A secure and anonymous communication scheme based on Internet public service environment
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA) NANA Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), 2022 International Conference on. :1-4 Dec, 2022
Computing and Processing
Data privacy
Internet public services
secure and anonymousg
With the continuous expansion of the Internet and the full popularization of intelligent terminal devices, the risk of a large amount of personal privacy data such as identity, location, and preferences being leaked during Internet communication is getting higher and higher. Although the existing cryptographic technologies such as encryption and authentication can realize the security of information content and can effectively prevent attackers from obtaining information illegally, they cannot prevent attackers from obtaining important information such as the location and identity of nodes through eavesdropping and traffic analysis. The secure and anonymous communication technology represented by Tor has always been the focus of researchers. It is essential to realize free and open communication on today's Internet, but it is usually only when large institutions invest huge resources to complete the construction of a secure and anonymous system. This paper proposes a method for constructing a secure and anonymous transmission network based on Internet public services (such as VPS, cloud storage services, P2P networks, etc.), and at the same time, a redundant sharding mechanism is designed to improve the transmission capacity. Then complete the construction of the system prototype by renting a virtual host, and realize the practical ability test of the safe and anonymous system. Provide small-scale and convenient secure and anonymous transmission capabilities in emergencies such as epidemics.