
Modelling Radiation Sensor Angular Responses with Dynamic Linear Regression
Document Type
2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL) Control (CONTROL), 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on. :157-162 Apr, 2024
Robotics and Control Systems
Location awareness
Radiation detectors
Linear regression
Stochastic processes
Data models
Task analysis
radiation detector
source localization
sinc function
Moffat function
dynamic linear regression (DLR)
Accurate characterization of radiation hotspots is a critical requirement for monitoring and decommissioning operations in the nuclear industry, particularly where the arrangement of contamination is complex, and the availability of ground-truth data is limited. This article develops a novel stochastic modelling approach that alleviates challenges often present in such operations. Initially, the experimentally derived angular responses of a collimated single detector apparatus at different energy regions (counts over radiation footprints) are expressed by two functions: the Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse (approximated by a sinc function) and a Moffat function. Subsequently, these are both framed within a Dynamic Linear Regression (DLR) model. The resulting Moffat/sinc-DLR models enhance the quality of the fit to experimental data, and improve the accuracy and resolution of radiation localization, thus showcasing the value of such methods for radiation characterization tasks.