
Real time web based condition monitoring system for power transformers - Case study
Document Type
2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2008. CMD 2008. International Conference on. :1307-1309 Apr, 2008
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Signal Processing and Analysis
Robotics and Control Systems
Real time systems
Condition monitoring
Power transformers
Power system reliability
Performance loss
Dissolved Gas Analysis
GSM & GPRS Service
Hydran sensors
The need for improved performance of power systems in terms of reliability and higher productivity has necessitated more and more application of condition monitoring techniques, which can provide early warning of potential failure with the opportunity of organizing avoidance strategies to minimize loss of time and unexpected costs. Periodic condition monitoring tests have limitations such as continuous availability of data and will lead to reactive maintenance. Any event happening between the monitoring intervals is lost and by the time it is noticed the severity of fault might have increased manifolds. To overcome this continuous monitoring solutions are gaining demand. Many stand alone solutions are available in the market for local SCADA applications. Development of a versatile real time web based monitoring system (DAKSHITA™), which can take simultaneous inputs from multiple sensors, equipments and sites, are explained in this paper.