
Cloud-Edge Orchestrated Power Dispatching for Smart Grid With Distributed Energy Resources
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on. 11(2):1194-1203 Jun, 2023
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Smart grids
Cloud computing
Renewable energy sources
Distributed power generation
Computer architecture
Smart grid
cloud-edge computing
energy router
energy cache
power dispatching
Cloud and edge computing are gradually used to achieve complex energy operation control and massive information processing in conventional power grid. Meanwhile, with the tremendous number of distributed energy resources and power equipment integrated into the smart grid enabled by cloud and edge computing, the centralized distribution network cannot realize the flexible and realtime energy supply due to the unpredictable and wide distribution of distributed energy resources, which will further deteriorate the stability of smart grid. To solve those problems, this article proposes energy centric smart grid to achieve power dispatching with the help of cloud-edge computing. Our solution uses energy caching and energy multiple addressing of the edge router to eliminate the intermittency of renewables and speed up energy response. For the stability of energy market and to encourage users to participate in power dispatching, a cloud-edge computing-driven energy cache orchestration mechanism is designed. The empirical results show that the response time is greatly reduced to meet the stringent quality of service requirement in smart grid integrated with distributed energy resources.