
D-Spectra for Networks with Binary and Ternary Components
Document Type
2016 Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO) Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO), 2016 Second International Symposium on. :217-220 Feb, 2016
Computing and Processing
Electric shock
Stochastic processes
Reliability engineering
Life sciences
Mathematical model
Binary and ternary components
combinatorial invariants
Network reliability is an important problem from both theoretical and practical points of view. One of the most powerful approaches for handling this problem is by using a so-called D-spectra method. We describe the D-spectra for twostate networks with binary and ternary components and give an overview of its principal combinatorial properties. In particular, we establish an important connection between the D-spectra and the number of network's failure sets of a given size.