
Novel Process for Screen-Printed Selective Area Front Polysilicon Contacts for TOPCon Cells Using Laser Oxidation
Document Type
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics IEEE J. Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of. 12(6):1282-1288 Nov, 2022
Photonics and Electrooptics
Photovoltaic cells
Power lasers
Measurement by laser beam
Laser modes
Pulsed laser deposition
Double-side TOPCon
laser oxidation
passivating contacts
screen-printed contacts
selective area contacts
The efficiency potential of double-side tunnel oxide passivated contact (DS-TOPCon) solar cells is limited by parasitic absorption in the front poly-Si layer, despite excellent passivation and high V OC . The use of patterned poly-Si only under the front metal grid lines can significantly reduce the parasitic absorption loss without sacrificing voltage. In this work, we demonstrate a simple, manufacturing-friendly method of patterning the front poly-Si using a nanosecond UV (355 nm) laser. We found that with laser powers $ \geq $3 W at a 400 mm/s scan speed, an estimated 1–4 nm thick stoichiometric SiO 2 layer was grown on TOPCon. This served as a mask for KOH-etching of 200 nm poly-Si, allowing for patterning of poly-Si fingers required for selective TOPCon. While laser powers above 3 W caused substantial deterioration in passivation quality, the resulting damage in J 0 was largely recovered by subsequent PECVD SiN x deposition. At 3 W, the full area J 0 was found to be 36.8 fA·cm −2 . This translates to 1.68 fA·cm −2 for 4.48% coverage from the wing area of the polyfinger lines (100 lines–100 $\mu \text{m}$ wide and 30 $\mu \text{m}$ metal) contributing to a total front J 0 of ∼10 fA·cm −2 , well suited for 25% efficient solar cells.