
A Study of Synthetic Double Sampling np Chart Based on Median Run Length
Document Type
2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences (AiDAS) Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences (AiDAS), 2022 3rd International Conference on. :131-135 Sep, 2022
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Integrated circuits
Numerical analysis
Control charts
Markov processes
Behavioral sciences
np chart
steady state
control chart
Markov chain
The Markov chain method has been adopted in this work to evaluate the performance of the synthetic double sampling (SynDS) np chart, which combines the double sampling (DS) np sub-chart and the conforming run length (CRL) sub-chart. In the literature, the performance of the existing SynDS np chart is investigated using average run length (ARL). It is found that the skewness of the run length (RL) distribution varies depending on the size of shift in the process fraction nonconforming, from being significantly right-skewed when the process is in-control (IC) or small shift to being nearly symmetric when the process shift is large. As a result, the true performance of the chart may differ from what the ARL displays. Thus, median run length (MRL) is recommended to represent the central tendency associated with the varying shapes of the RL distribution in accordance to the process shift sizes. This work suggests an optimal design approach for SynDS np chart based on MRL to monitor the process fraction nonconforming, under zero-state and steady-state modes.