
PAM & PAL: Policy-Aware Virtual Machine Migration and Placement in Dynamic Cloud Data Centers
Document Type
IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Computer Communications, IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on. :2549-2558 Jul, 2020
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Data centers
Optical switches
Heuristic algorithms
Approximation algorithms
Cloud computing
Virtual machining
Policy-Aware Data Centers
Virtual Machine Placement
Virtual Machine Migration
We focus on policy-aware data centers (PADCs), wherein virtual machine (VM) traffic traverses a sequence of middleboxes (MBs) for security and performance purposes, and propose two new VM placement and migration problems. We first study PAL: policy-aware virtual machine placement. Given a PADC with a data center policy that communicating VM pairs must satisfy, the goal of PAL is to place the VMs into the PADC to minimize their total communication cost. Due to dynamic traffic loads in PADCs, however, above VM placement may no longer be optimal after some time. We thus study PAM: policy-aware virtual machine migration. Given an existing VM placement in the PADC and dynamic traffic rates among communicating VMs, PAM migrates VMs in order to minimize the total cost of migration and communication of the VM pairs. We design optimal, approximation, and heuristic policyaware VM placement and migration algorithms. Our experiments show that i) VM migration is an effective technique, reducing total communication cost of VM pairs by 25%, ii) our PAL algorithms outperform state-of-the-art VM placement algorithm that is oblivious to data center policies by 40-50%, and iii) our PAM algorithms outperform the only existing policy-aware VM migration scheme by 30%.