
Design and Implementation of Rotary Automated Car Parking System
Document Type
2022 International Visualization, Informatics and Technology Conference (IVIT) Visualization, Informatics and Technology Conference (IVIT), 2022 International. :255-260 Nov, 2022
Computing and Processing
Operating systems
Process control
Mobile applications
Visual databases
Rotary car park
Google firebase database
The main aim of this project is to design, develop and implement an Automated Rotary Car Park System. In this project, a Graphical User Interface using MIT APP Inventor which is an IOT platform, was developed to allow the user through his/her mobile application controls the whole rotary car parking system in such an easy and automated way as well as a prototype for the rotary car park had been designed and built-up where it could hold up 5 vehicles slots in order to test and apply the developed IOT system. The performance of the pervious developed proposed systems were mainly dependent on non-automated methods for controlling the parking & retrieving process, which lead to physical interface from the user to either park or retrieve his/her car, that’s why developing an automated system which mainly depend on the IOT technology was the main aim and innovation for the system comparing to what had been proposed before. Finally, the system proved to be efficient and facilitate the parking and retrieving process as well as save time and effort for the user as compared to the various techniques developed in the literature.