
A Centralized Data Validation System Model for Healthcare Systems Based on Blockchain
Document Type
2021 International Conference on Cyber Security and Internet of Things (ICSIoT) ICSIOT Cyber Security and Internet of Things (ICSIoT), 2021 International Conference on. :55-58 Dec, 2021
Computing and Processing
Smart contracts
Medical services
Data models
Internet of Things
Computer crime
smart contract
data validation
healthcare systems
Several components collaborate to facilitate delivery of healthcare to achieve a common goal of ensuring delivery of quality and reliable healthcare to patients. The patient data within the healthcare system are always prone to malicious users and attackers who through unauthorized access can manipulate data for their malicious purpose. It has therefore become essential to safeguard data and recent introduction of blockchain allows for the prevention of unauthorized access to data through a record-keeping system that encrypts data after approval by participating parties and shared across the network the access to this data can be made available through predetermined conditions specified by a smart contract stored on the blockchain. This paper proposes a centralized data validation model for healthcare systems based on blockchain smart contracts