
Mode-Locked Pulse Generation Based on Black Arsenic Phosphorus in Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers
Document Type
2020 IEEE 5th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC) Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), 2020 IEEE 5th. :155-157 Sep, 2020
Photonics and Electrooptics
Two dimensional displays
Laser mode locking
Optical fiber devices
Scanning electron microscopy
Optical fiber polarization
Black arsenic phosphorus
saturable absorber
ultrashort pulse
Black arsenic phosphorus (b-AsP) is a novel two-dimensional (2D) material. It has aroused extensive interest in many fields thanks to its excellent performance of broad tunability band gap and high carrier mobility. In this paper, 2D b-AsP ultra-thin nanosheets were successfully prepared and systemically characterized. Under the influence of evanescent field effect, 2D b-AsP nanosheets is successfully prepared as a fiber-based saturable absorber (SA). Mode-locked pulses based on 2D b-AsP SA are generated in an Er-doped fiber laser, corresponding to the maximum repetition rate of 11.5 MHz and pulse duration of 807 fs. These results show that 2D b-AsP has excellent application potential in ultrafast photonics and photodetectors, etc.