
Multiple Field-of-View Based Attention Driven Network for Weakly Supervised Common Bile Duct Stone Detection
Document Type
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine IEEE J. Transl. Eng. Health Med. Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, IEEE Journal of. 11:394-404 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Robotics and Control Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Computed tomography
Image segmentation
Deep learning
Medical services
Common bile duct (CBD) stone detection
weakly-supervised learning
deep learning
object detection
Objective: Common bile duct (CBD) stones caused diseases are life-threatening. Because CBD stones locate in the distal part of the CBD and have relatively small sizes, detecting CBD stones from CT scans is a challenging issue in the medical domain. Methods and procedures: We propose a deep learning based weakly-supervised method called multiple field-of-view based attention driven network (MFADNet) to detect CBD stones from CT scans based on image-level labels. Three dominant modules including a multiple field-of-view encoder, an attention driven decoder and a classification network are collaborated in the network. The encoder learns the feature of multi-scale contextual information while the decoder with the classification network is applied to locate the CBD stones based on spatial-channel attentions. To drive the learning of the whole network in a weakly-supervised and end-to-end trainable manner, four losses including the foreground loss, background loss, consistency loss and classification loss are proposed. Results: Compared with state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods in the experiments, the proposed method can accurately classify and locate CBD stones based on the quantitative and qualitative results. Conclusion: We propose a novel multiple field-of-view based attention driven network for a new medical application of CBD stone detection from CT scans while only image-levels are required to reduce the burdens of labeling and help physicians automatically diagnose CBD stones. The source code is available at https://github.com/nchucvml/MFADNet after acceptance. Clinical impact: Our deep learning method can help physicians localize relatively small CBD stones for effectively diagnosing CBD stone caused diseases.