
EffiSyn: Efficient Logic Synthesis with Dynamic Scoring and Pruning
Document Type
2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on. :1-9 Oct, 2023
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Engineering Profession
General Topics for Engineers
Signal Processing and Analysis
Design automation
Predictive models
Feature extraction
Integrated circuit modeling
Logic synthesis tools synthesize circuit structures to optimize specific targets given reasonable constraints and runtime using a set of well-defined operators. The efficiency of these operators is critical to achieving better runtime and optimization convergence. However, most synthesis operators are designed heuristically with fixed and sub-optimal traversal orders of nodes, cuts, and candidate subgraphs that are independent of circuit structures and functionalities. This leads to redundant computation and loss of optimization opportunities. Due to the spatial structure similarity, sub-circuits already synthesized in the same circuit contain meaningful information to guide more efficient synthesis for unvisited sub-circuits. Historical evaluation and gain features can learn from conflicts and be utilized to predict synthesis gain and prune invalid sub-circuits. Instead of using high-weight feature extraction and models, we utilize efficient prediction models with lightweight structural and functional features to reduce overhead. We thus propose a generalizable and dynamic scoring and pruning framework EffiSyn to accelerate logic synthesis operators while maintaining synthesis effectiveness. For example, we further improve the highly optimized operator drw by scoring and pruning invalid cuts and precomputed subgraphs. Extensive experiments on 20 public and industrial circuits validate that EffiSyn can accelerate drw by about 35% with negligible effectiveness loss or even with effectiveness improvement. Experiments over diverse circuits and synthesis sequences also validate the generalization of the proposed framework.