
Intelligent CO-PO Attainment model for misalignment in assessing BL & instruction BL
Document Type
2022 International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution Based Technology and Practices (ICFIRTP) Fourth Industrial Revolution Based Technology and Practices (ICFIRTP), 2022 International Conference on. :254-261 Nov, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Engineering Profession
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Fourth Industrial Revolution
national education policy
CO-PO attainment
assessment BL
instruction BL
The National Education Policy-2020 [NEP] focuses on Clear shift from education as transmission of expert knowledge to Education as building learning competencies including learning to learn and life- long learning. The outcome of delivery of education is measured by the CO-PO attainment level and forms a very important component in the process of accreditation of education system and the Universities. NEP requires that Objectives of every course should be decided in advance in line with the POs, PSOs of the program, and its attainment should be calculated to obtain COURSE OUTCOME, which needs to be improved regularly to ensure Good Quality of Education in learning centric mode. Through this paper, a method is proposed for determining Intelligent CO-PO Attainment model for misalignment in assessing BL & instruction BL. This paper establishes a link between CO’s and PO’s while assessing the course contents and delivery among the most challenging issues in Higher Education. The matrix and relation between the Course outcomes (COs) and Program outcomes (POs) is analyzed in paper using revised technique.