
The Performance of UMAP plus Linkage Compared with Daura-Clustering of Molecular Dynamics of the PD-1 Checkpoint Receptor
Document Type
2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2022 IEEE International Conference on. :3569-3573 Dec, 2022
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Dimensionality reduction
Heuristic algorithms
Medical treatment
molecular dynamics
checkpoint receptor
immune therapy
drug design
cluster analysis
Leucocytes check if unknown peptides are loaded in MHC-receptors, and if so, kill the respective cell. However, in some cases, attacks occur erroneously. Cells may guard against such attacks by expressing the ligand (PD-LI) of PD-1, the leucocyte’s self-destroy receptor (checkpoint receptor). This important protection mechanism against autoimmunity is, however, abused by cancer cells, which also express PD-LI and thereby evade appropriate immune clearance. Scrutinizing the molecular binding mechanisms between PD-1 and PD-LI as well as respective drugs (checkpoint receptor blockers) is hence of utmost importance in the development of drugs for cancer therapy. We performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations for PD 1 to characterize the atomic movements of the CC’-loop without a ligand. Trajectories were analyzed via two clustering algorithms: Daura-clustering, based on RMSD distances was compared with dimension reduction via UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection), followed by linkage clustering (UMAP-Lnk). Daura-clustering with several cutoffs and the correspondence with UMAP-Lnk was evaluated. While the size of Daura-clusters resulted merely from a skillful choice of the cutoff, the number of linkage-clusters was evaluated and optimally selected via the silhouette criterion. Accordance between Daura and UMAP-Lnk was evaluated for several choices of Daura-cutoffs.