
Workshop on Standards for Mixed and Augmented Reality Summary
Document Type
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct) ISMAR-ADJUNCT Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2017 IEEE International Symposium on. :252-252 Oct, 2017
Computing and Processing
Augmented reality
Summary form only given, as follows. A complete record of the workshop was not made available for publication as part of the conference proceedings. Mixed and augmented reality (MAR) is on the brink of large-scale consumer level commercialization. Standards will be required for MAR to succeed and proliferate as an information media and new contents platform. Standards will enable the development of MAR system components able to interoperate through defined interfaces and hence will enable the development of end-to-end solutions built on system components easily plugged in together to achieve contents sharing and interoperability. The workshop will be a place to present existing standards and demonstrate how they could ease the adoption of MAR in many domains, a place to present recent initiatives in order to coordinate efforts and share requirements coming from the industry. The discussion will lay a foundation to many issues of standardization for MAR: proper subareas for standards and abstract levels, physical and environment object representation, content file format, calibration process, tracking and recognition, augmentation and display style standards, sensors and processing units dedicated to MAR, standards for nonvisual and multimodal augmentation, object feature presentation, benchmarking, Industry requirements, etc.