
Smart Swimming Pool Management System (SSPMS) using IoT
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA), 2023 International Conference on. :840-846 Mar, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Cloud computing
Sensor systems
Data communication
Intelligent sensors
Swimming pool
Water quality
Swimming has become one of the major routines nowadays among people. People mostly use swimming pools for exercise or recreation. According to statistics one hour of swimming burns 30% more calories than one hour of running. So many people prefer swimming to keep their body fit. But few people use the swimming pool without having proper swimming skills. This leads to loss of their lives. Around the world nearly 42 people drown per hour. The pH level of water in the swimming pool should be between 7.4 to 7.6. The high pH water can cause rashes on human skin and scaling on pool equipment. Low pH causes eye irritation, skin irritation etc. Hence, a smart system is required to monitor the pH level of the water and to track the condition of the swimmers inside the pool. So with the support of few sensors and Arduino, an automatic swimming pool monitoring system, which is capable of sensing the pH level of the water available in swimming pool and condition of the swimmers is developed. The proposed system will also update all the observed status in the cloud with the support of the Internet facility.