
360Degree Data Analysis and Visualization for COVID-19 Mitigation in Indonesia
Document Type
2021 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA) Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA), 2021 International Conference on. :7-12 Nov, 2021
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Robotics and Control Systems
Analytical models
Computational modeling
Data visualization
Data science
Big Data
COVID-19 in the world and Indonesia are faced with a situation and the need for reliable data to capture the current situation. Data on COVID-19 is very urgent and important because we need it as a guide against an invisible virus, and we still do not know much about the knowledge to help predict the pattern of its spread, increase, and prevention strategies. The spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia is one of the cases that require Big Data support to obtain data on its movement and distribution, analysis of its distribution and growth patterns, and mitigation and prevention strategies in the future. The research developed and produces a dashboard and visualization that have a data mitigation approach and displays the distribution and growth statistics of cases that have occurred in Indonesia. Then it will run an analytical and computational platform to facilitate the use case process and modeling of the mitigation options to be taken. A COVID-19 analysis model has been produced that supports mapping and portraits of current conditions which can be accessed through http://covid19.gamabox.id/analysis. The approach has produced a 360-degree concept that has can view data as a capture of a certain situation that reflects current conditions (cut-off), projections, predictions, and cognitive.