
Cloud Risk Management With OWA-LSTM and Fuzzy Linguistic Decision Making
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 30(11):4657-4666 Nov, 2022
Computing and Processing
Service level agreements
Quality of service
Open wireless architecture
Risk management
Decision making
Mathematical models
Cloud computing
cloud risk management
fuzzy numbers (FNs)
fuzzy-based decision making
intelligent risk management
linguistic decision making
predictive intelligence
Quality of Service (QoS)
In a cloud environment, the indemnity of service level agreement (SLA) violations has an adverse effect on the service provider. It leads to the penalty fee, credit amount, license extension, and reputation decline that could significantly impact future business outcomes. Existing approaches are unable to handle complex predictions that can accommodate the temporal influence of Quality of Service (QoS) data. Moreover, no method in a cloud environment considers all possible attitudinal behavior of the service provider to mitigate the risk of an actual violation. This article proposes an SLA violation risk mitigation model that uses ordered weighted average (OWA) in long short-term memory for complex QoS prediction. The OWA operator is weighted with a minimax disparity approach to manage the risk of SLA violation. The approach intelligently predicts deviation in custom prioritized QoS parameter and recommend exigency of mitigating action by considering all possible attitudinal behavior of the service provider. This article uses linguistic variables, fuzzy and interval numbers to handle imprecise information. The analysis results demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed approach to address complex risk mitigation actions.