
A Trustworthy Product Rating System Based on the Blockchain with E-Commerce Business Model
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Evolutionary Algorithms and Soft Computing Techniques (EASCT) Evolutionary Algorithms and Soft Computing Techniques (EASCT), 2023 International Conference on. :1-6 Oct, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Photonics and Electrooptics
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Technological innovation
Smart contracts
User interfaces
Electronic commerce
Blockchain technology
Legitimate products
Market disruptions
Product Grade System
Product quality
Smart contract
This article covers the difficulties that customers and retailers encounter while searching for and getting real items at reasonable costs in the internet marketplace. While the development of e-commerce has made it simpler than ever for people to purchase from the comfort of their own homes, it has also resulted in an explosion of phoney reviews and rating manipulation, causing shoppers to lose trust in both the reviews they read and the rating systems themselves. This article offers a method based on blockchain technology to provide e-commerce enterprises with a trustworthy and transparent product rating system. The recommended method for evaluating things in the paper is based on blockchain technology, which the study believes provides e-commerce enterprises with a trustworthy and transparent rating system. According to the outcome analysis, 90% of users thought the blockchain-based grading system was easier to use and more straightforward than prior ones.