
A Trust Assisted Matrix Factorization based Improved Product Recommender System
Document Type
2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) CSCI Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 2020 International Conference on. :719-724 Dec, 2020
Computing and Processing
Correlation coefficient
Scientific computing
Sparse matrices
Electronic commerce
Recommender Systems
Matric Factorization
Smart services
Smart services is an efficient concept to provide services to the citizen in an efficient manner. The online shopping and recommender system play an important role in this scenario that provides efficient item recommendations to the citizens. Though, the majority of the latest recommender systems can't get effective and efficient prediction accuracy because of the sparsity of the item matrix against each user. Additionally, the recommendations are not reliable when tested upon larger datasets. To handle these problems, a trust-based technique is proposed, called trustasvd++, which fuses a user's trust data in the MF context. The offered strategy combines trust data and rating values to deal with the sparsity and cold start user’s issues. Matrix Factorization (MF) has been recognized as a persuasive method for the formation of an effective Recommender System. Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) is used as a similarity metric in the proposed technique. To assess the efficiency of the offered strategy, numerous datasets have been done on datasets including Epinions, Filmtrust, and Ciao.