
Analysis of cavitation artifacts in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Thermometry during laser ablation monitoring
Document Type
2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. :5008-5011 Jul, 2022
Temperature measurement
Temperature sensors
Measurement uncertainty
Real-time systems
Magnetic Resonance Thermometry Imaging (MRTI) holds great potential in laser ablation (LA) monitoring. It provides the real-time multidimensional visualization of the treatment effect inside the body, thus enabling accurate intraoperative prediction of the thermal damage induced. Despite its great potential., thermal maps obtained with MRTI may be affected by numerous artifacts. Among the sources of error producing artifacts in the images., the cavitation phenomena which could occur in the tissue during LA induces dipole-structured artifacts. In this work., an analysis of the cavitation artifacts occurring during LA in a gelatin phantom in terms of symmetry in space and symmetry of temperature values was performed. Results of 2 Wand 4 W laser power were compared finding higher symmetry for the 2 W case in terms of both dimensions of artifact-lobes and difference in temperature values extracted in specular pixels in the image. This preliminary investigation of artifact features may provide a step forward in the identification of the best strategy to correct and avoid artifact occurrence during thermal therapy monitoring. Clinical Relevance— This work presents an analysis of cavitation artifacts in MRTI from LA which must be corrected to avoid error in the prediction of thermal damage during LA monitoring