
Visplause: Visual Data Quality Assessment of Many Time Series Using Plausibility Checks
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on. 23(1):641-650 Jan, 2017
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Time series analysis
Data models
Photovoltaic systems
Data Quality Assessment
High-Dimensional Data
Hierarchical Aggregation
Linked Views
Trends like decentralized energy production lead to an exploding number of time series from sensors and other sources that need to be assessed regarding their data quality (DQ). While the identification of DQ problems for such routinely collected data is typically based on existing automated plausibility checks, an efficient inspection and validation of check results for hundreds or thousands of time series is challenging. The main contribution of this paper is the validated design of Visplause, a system to support an efficient inspection of DQ problems for many time series. The key idea of Visplause is to utilize meta-information concerning the semantics of both the time series and the plausibility checks for structuring and summarizing results of DQ checks in a flexible way. Linked views enable users to inspect anomalies in detail and to generate hypotheses about possible causes. The design of Visplause was guided by goals derived from a comprehensive task analysis with domain experts in the energy sector. We reflect on the design process by discussing design decisions at four stages and we identify lessons learned. We also report feedback from domain experts after using Visplause for a period of one month. This feedback suggests significant efficiency gains for DQ assessment, increased confidence in the DQ, and the applicability of Visplause to summarize indicators also outside the context of DQ.