
Visually Analyzing A Billion Tweets: An Application for Collaborative Visual Analytics on Large High-Resolution Display
Document Type
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) Big Data (Big Data), 2018 IEEE International Conference on. :3597-3606 Dec, 2018
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Data visualization
Big Data
Visual analytics
H.1.m [Information Systems]: MODELS AND PRINCIPLES—Miscellaneous
We present a ParaViewWeb based visual analytics application running on large high-resolution display supporting standard mouse and keyboard interaction. The application relies on SAGE2 for user interaction and multi-display visualization. We also employ a scalable middleware system called "Cloudberry" that allows users to interactively query and analyze large amounts of temporal and spatial data stored on a back end Apache AsterixDB store to enable big data analytics and interactive visualization. Our Visual Analyzing Billion Tweets application shows interactive query and visualization of result from over a billion twitter feeds streamed in real-time to the back end Apache AsterixDB. In our setup, we ran the visual analytics application on a large high-resolution display with a 24-tiled display in a 6 x 4 configuration. We also run a comparative study of the application running on a single 24 inch display and the 24-tiled display with some very interesting findings supporting the benefit of using large high-resolution display for visual analytics.