
An Impact of Oversight in Trasmission Portion in the Hybrid Smart Grid Systems
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC) Power Energy, Environment & Intelligent Control (PEEIC), 2023 International Conference on. :1374-1379 Dec, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Signal Processing and Analysis
5G mobile communication
Smart grids
Power system reliability
Wide area measurements
Smart Grids
Wide Area Meter Systems (WAMS)
State Estimation
Communication Failures
ICT Risks
Stochastic Activity Networks
Power System Operations
Dependability Assessment and Renewable Energy Integration
Establishing a solid basis for Smart Grids requires the cooperation of Wide Area Meter Systems (WAMS), state estimation, and technology for communication and information (ICT). Although the accuracy and dependability of power grid information are improved by these technologies, their integration raises certain possible security risks that need careful consideration. Because of the complex interaction between ICT and the power system, new approaches are needed to model the intelligent energy system as a Cyberspace Physical System and analyze the effects of ICT errors on the electrical grid's operations. This research presents a novel methodological technique to evaluate the reliability of a 5G-based WAMS by using numerical computing and modeling with Stochastic Activity Networks. The research takes into account both external issues, such rain impacts, and internal ones, like component failures, and assesses how these affect the WAMS's capacity to provide reliable data for power network condition estimates. A 5G-based WAMS shows near-ideal performance in comparison to other state estimate methodologies and weather circumstances, highlighting its potential for use in Smart Grid maintenance applications in the future.