
Logistic Sine Map (LSM) Based Partial Image Encryption
Document Type
2021 National Computing Colleges Conference (NCCC) National Computing Colleges Conference (NCCC), 2021. :1-6 Mar, 2021
Computing and Processing
Digital images
Information security
Diffusion processes
Hard disks
Partial image encryption
Logistic Sine map
Control threshold
image Security
Information security is the biggest concern in today’s world i.e. how to secure the digital images while storing on the hard disks or while transmitting online through a network. To provide the privacy and protect the confidential information in the images, encryption of the image is the best way. Now, to encrypt the full image, computational time will be more, which will be a limitation in widely used real time applications. Partial image encryption is an approach used to encrypt only the required part of the image that to be protected, by doing this the computational time will reduce significantly. Here we propose a block based partial image encryption technique. Logistic sine map (LSM) used to select and encrypt the image block randomly based the percentage of encryption requirements. Amount of encryption easily controlled by varying the control threshold value. The Experimental results of the proposed approach have proved that the encryption time has been significantly reduced compared to that of full image encryption. Hence we can consider this method as an alternative for full image encryption for real time applications which improves the security and also reduces the computational time.