
Advances in power supply and control system for electrostatic accelerators
Document Type
Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference Particle accelerators Particle Accelerator Conference, 1995., Proceedings of the 1995. 3:1979-1981 vol.3 1995
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Nuclear Engineering
Robotics and Control Systems
Power supplies
Control systems
Magnetic resonance
Ion accelerators
Power system reliability
Life estimation
Resonant frequency
Optical coupling
Some technical advances and ideas, which allow, the construction of highly reliable, simple and cheap subsystems for electrostatic accelerators and other high voltage devices, are described. The described subsystems were tested during their extensive running for several years on a series of the accelerators ION-1500, ION-300. They are a small sized high efficiency system for a power supply via a big isolating gap which is based on a high frequency resonant transformer with a low magnetic couple factor 0.1-0.3 (its characteristics are: 2.2 kW, efficiency 90%, 6 cm isolating gap for 500 kV); a system for highly efficient medium and low-power regulators based on magnetic amplifiers and working at high frequency power delivered by the above mentioned system; an intelligent multifunctional single-board noiseproof controller LOCUS placed under high potential is linked with the central computer by a fiber optic link.