
6C-1 Imaging the Elastic Nonlinearity of Tissues
Document Type
2007 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007. IEEE. :452-455 Oct, 2007
Signal Processing and Analysis
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
Image reconstruction
Capacitive sensors
Piecewise linear approximation
Performance evaluation
In vivo
Breast tissue
Piecewise linear techniques
Clinical trials
We have begun testing the ability to perform modulus reconstructions (absolute elastic parameter) imaging of in vivo breast tissues. The reconstructions are based on high quality 2D displacement estimates from strain imaging. Piecewise linear (secant) modulus reconstructions demonstrate the changes in elasticity image contrast seen in strain images but, unlike the strain images, the contrast in the modulus images approximates the absolute modulus contrast. Nonlinear reconstructions assume a reasonable approximation to the underlying constitutive relations for the tissue and provide images of the (near) zero-strain shear modulus and a nonlinearity parameter that describes the rate of tissue stiffening with increased deformation. Limited data from clinical trials are consistent with in vitro measurements of elastic properties of tissue samples and suggest that the nonlinearity of invasive ductal carcinoma exceeds that of fibroadenoma and might be useful for improving diagnostic specificity.