
Minimal Exposure Dubins Orienteering Problem
Document Type
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. Robotics and Automation Letters, IEEE. 6(2):2280-2287 Apr, 2021
Robotics and Control Systems
Computing and Processing
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Robot sensing systems
Wireless sensor networks
Traveling salesman problems
Task analysis
Motion and path planning
nonholonomic motion planning
aerial systems: Applications
Visiting and observing specified locations is a fundamental task for various applications including environmental monitoring and military operations. The Orienteering Problem (OP) is a variant of routing problems in which the goal is to maximize the objective function by visiting the most rewarding locations while respecting a limited travel budget ( e.g. , distance or time). However, traditional formulations of routing problems generally neglect some environmental peculiarities, such as obstacles or threatening zones. In this letter, we tackle the OP considering Dubins vehicles in the presence of a known deployed sensor field. We propose a novel multi-objective formulation called the Minimal Exposure Dubins Orienteering Problem (MEDOP), whose goals are to (i) maximize the collected reward, while (ii) minimizing the exposure of the agent, i.e. , the probability of being detected. The solution is based on an evolutionary algorithm that iteratively varies the subset and sequence of locations to be visited, the orientations on each location, and the turning radii on the connecting segments. Results show that our approach is consistent and can efficiently find a diverse set of solutions that simultaneously optimize both objectives.