
G-BLAST: BLAST Manager in an Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Document Type
2009 Third IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, 2009. TASE 2009. Third IEEE International Symposium on. :315-316 Jul, 2009
Computing and Processing
Environmental management
Software engineering
Grid Computing
G-BLAST is an integrated software package for BLAST searches can be operating in heterogeneous distributed environment. G-BLAST means Grid-BLAST. G-BLAST provides two operating methods like NFS (Network File System) based and SDT (Socket Data Transfer) based in inter-connected network. SDT based method is simple to installation/operating because it provides more platform independence than NFS based method. To improve the performance of BLAST searches using exists computing resources, G-BLAST employed ‘database splicing’ and ‘query splicing’ methods. By default, G-BLAST querying into each client node for one query with one spliced database. But, if there are extra clients G-BLAST splice the query into sub-queries as extra client’s number. Each client should contain over one spliced database to join G-BLAST. The scheduler monitor the status and the databases of each client node, the query is executing in parallel with not working client nodes. BLAST results are stored into Java Beans data model using XML technique in the server node. By user request, the result can be exported in BLAST’s default output, XML format and tabular format. Also, BLAST results can be stored into database as given schema.