
Angle- and volume-preserving mapping of organ volume model based on modified Self-organizing Deformable Model
Document Type
2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on. :2204-2209 Dec, 2016
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Solid modeling
Deformable models
Surface treatment
Brain modeling
This paper proposes a new method for mapping volume models of human organs onto a target volume with simple shapes. The proposed method is based on our modified Self-organizing Deformable Model (mSDM) which finds the one-to-one mapping with no foldovers between an arbitrary object surface model and a target surface. By extending mSDM to apply to organ volume models, the proposed method, called volumetric SDM (vSDM), establishes the one-to-one correspondence between the volume model and its target volume. At the same time, vSDM preserves geometrical properties of the original model before and after the mapping. In addition, vSDM allows to control the mapping of interior structures of the organ model onto specific regions inside the target volume. These characteristics of vSDM enables to easily find a reliable correspondence between different volume models via a common target volume.