
Dispersion Curve Extraction and Source Localization for Single Hydrophone by Combining Image Skeleton Extraction with Advanced Time-Frequency Analysis
Document Type
2023 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2023 International Conference on. :587-591 Nov, 2023
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Signal Processing and Analysis
Location awareness
Time-frequency analysis
Echo sounders
Feature extraction
Data mining
Mode Dispersion
Time-Frequency Analysis
Image Skeleton Extraction
Single Hydrophone
Source Localization
Time-frequency analysis (TFA) transforms a one-dimensional signal into a two-dimensional image for its TF characteristics, which provides a framework that can be combined with digital image processing. In shallow water, a wide-band acoustic signal received by a hydrophone shows a unique dispersion structure, from which the source and propagation environment information can be obtained. This paper proposes a method combining two-subiteration skeleton extraction algorithm with advanced time-frequency analysis to separate and extract the dispersion curves from data received by a single hydrophone without any prior environmental information. The source location is then determined according to the time difference of dispersion curves.