
Application of the Rastrygin’s Method in Modeling of Complex Electrical Systems
Document Type
2023 24th International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE) Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE),2023 24th International Conference on. :1-5 Sep, 2023
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Signal Processing and Analysis
Electrical engineering
Process modeling
Heuristic algorithms
Optimization methods
Stochastic processes
Linear programming
Search problems
parametric identification
stochastic optimization
guide cone method
objective function
hypercone deployment angle
The paper considers the stochastic optimization method, which can be used for dynamic processes modeling in complex electrical systems, which are described by input-output models. As the main method, Rastrygin’s guide cone method is considered. Limitations for this method are formulated for the practical usage when solving applied optimization problems. In order to improve the method, modifications of its algorithm are proposed. The effectiveness of these algorithms is verified on test objective functions. The results of numerical experiments made it possible to conduct a comparative analysis of these algorithms.