
Hi-SIDE: Monitoring, Control and Test Software in a SpaceFibre Network
Document Type
2022 International SpaceWire & SpaceFibre Conference (ISC) SpaceWire & SpaceFibre Conference (ISC), 2022 International. :1-8 Oct, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Robotics and Control Systems
Optical switches
Operating systems
Process control
Control systems
On-Board Data-Handling
The aim of the Hi-SIDE project [1] was to develop and demonstrate technologies that enable future high-speed on-board data-handling systems. The Hi-SIDE demonstration system consisted of several elements including a SpaceFibre Camera and an instrument simulator generating high data-rate payload data; two processing elements providing compression and encryption; a PC-Based Mass-Memory providing onboard storage and playback functions; two downlink systems providing Radio Frequency (RF) and optical links; a File-Protection Scheme (FPS) to protect against errors or outages in the optical downlink; and a Control Computer used to monitor and control the other elements. Each of the Hi-SIDE instruments, processing, storage, and downlink elements were interconnected via SpaceFibre using the STAR-Tiger SpaceFibre [2] Routing Switch; and monitored, configured and controlled by the Control Computer. As part of the Hi-SIDE project, software was designed and developed by STAR-Dundee to monitor and control the other elements. In addition, to demonstrate the high data-rate capabilities of the processing and downlink elements in the Hi-SIDE system, software was designed and developed by STAR-Dundee to support the transmission, storage, and playback of files encoded in Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Space Packet Protocol (SPP) [3] and Transfer Frame (TF) [4] packets at data rates of over 10 Gbit/s. This paper describes the monitoring, control and test software that was developed by STAR-Dundee within the Hi-SIDE project and provides performance results.