
Millimeter-Wave SWIPT System for Backscatter Self-Sustainable IoT Devices
Document Type
2022 Wireless Power Week (WPW) Wireless Power Week (WPW), 2022. :223-226 Jul, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Performance evaluation
Wireless communication
Radio frequency
Phase shift keying
Frequency modulation
Amplitude shift keying
Frequency conversion
SWIPT Systems
RF-DC Converter
Backscatter Modulator
Low-cost SDR.
This manuscript presents an original concept for mm-wave non-dependent battery IoT devices. Firstly, both concept and components in focus for this work (reader front-end, RF-DC converter, and Backscatter modulator) are described. Then, the design and measurement of each component individually were performed. This work presents an up/down converter capable of converting signals with an IF frequency from 1 to 5 GHz to an RF frequency of 20 to 24 GHz and vice versa. The RF-DC Converter presents an efficiency above 40% in a range from 22 to 24 GHz, and the backscatter modulator can perform ASK and PSK modulations from 21 - 23 GHz with low power consumption. This shows that integrating all the components would be a viable solution for sovereign and battery-free systems.