
Demonstration of video conferencing tool with overlay network protocol
Document Type
2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2022 IEEE 19th Annual. :921-922 Jan, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Cloud computing
Overlay networks
Distributed databases
Peer-to-peer computing
IP networks
Overlay network
Video conferencing
Peer-to-peer communication
Since the current Internet has accessibility issues due to Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) and different IP protocol versions, recent service such as video conferencing also uses a client-server model even if the service model is peer-to-peer. The authors have developed an overlay network protocol to realize peer-to-peer communication because of the lack of the enough implementation for peer-to-peer protocol tackling the accessibility issues. This paper have updated the implementation to support scalability and performance of the proposed protocol. The feature of the proposed protocol provides seamless connectivity over the Internet for any applications. This paper demonstrates the multi-point video conferencing service with the proposed protocol. The service can be available on the Internet even if it only supports local area communication because the proposed protocol virtually connects the conference service. The demonstration also shows the actual signaling process of the proposed protocol to realize the overlay network. Since the proposed system does not relay the communication data at the cloud, the service has high scalability with distributed peer-to-peer communication.