
Removing Raindrops from a Single Image using Synthetic Data
Document Type
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020 25th International Conference on. :2081-2088 Jan, 2021
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Image segmentation
Training data
Data models
Raindrop removal
Synthetic data
We simulated the exact features of raindrops on a camera lens and conducted an experiment to evaluate the performance of a network trained to remove raindrops using synthetic raindrop data. Although research has been conducted to precisely evaluate methods to remove raindrops, with some evaluation networks trained on images with real raindrops and others trained on images with synthetic raindrops, there have not been any studies that have directly compared the performance of two networks trained on each respective kind of image. In a previous study wherein images with synthetic raindrops were used for training, the network did not work effectively on images with real raindrops because the shapes of the raindrops were simulated using simple arithmetic expressions. In this study, we focused on generating raindrop shapes that are closer to reality with the aim of using these synthetic raindrops in images to develop a technique for removing real-world raindrops. After categorizing raindrops by type, we further separated each raindrop type into its constituent elements, generated each element separately, and finally combined the generated elements. The proposed technique was used to add images with synthetic raindrops to the training data, and when we evaluated the model, we confirmed that the technique's precision exceeded that of when only images with actual raindrops were used for training. The evaluation results proved that images with synthetic raindrops can be used as training data for real-world images.