
Monthly Peak-load Demand Forecasting for Sulaimany Governorate Using SARIMA.
Document Type
2006 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, 2006. TDC '06. IEEE/PES. :1-5 Aug, 2006
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Demand forecasting
Load forecasting
Power generation economics
Economic forecasting
Predictive models
Power generation
Stochastic systems
Environmental economics
Electronic mail
Sociotechnical systems
Partial autocorrelation
Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA)
This paper presents a monthly peak-load demand forecasting for Sulaimany Governorate (located in northern Iraq) for the year 2006, using the most widely used traditional method, Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA). We have found that adequate SARIMA model is (1,1,0)(0,2,1)12, the performance of the model is tested on the actual historical monthly demand of the Governorate for the year 2005, The results obtained shows a very good estimation of the load. That is, the mean absolute percentage error MAPE is 1.235.