
Deep Reinforcement Learning Applied in Distribution Network Control and Optimization
Document Type
2023 IEEE 7th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2) Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), 2023 IEEE 7th Conference on. :4838-4843 Dec, 2023
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Analytical models
Renewable energy sources
Distribution networks
System integration
Deep reinforcement learning
deep reinforcement learning
multi-agent reinforcement learning
Volt/Var control
distribution network reconfiguration
distribution network restoration
With the advancement of energy transformation and the construction of new-type power system, the importance of operation control and optimization technologies for distribution networks is gradually highlighted. Mechanism-driven methods are insufficient to fully solve problems such as inaccurate parameters for modelling, uncertainty in power sources and loads, and coordination of large-scale control resources. As a result, data-driven technologies represented by deep reinforcement learning have become a research hotspot. This paper summarizes the problems of operation control and optimization in distribution networks, and then reviews the current application routes of deep reinforcement learning, especially multi-agent deep reinforcement learning, in three typical scenarios: Volt/Var control, distribution network reconfiguration and restoration. Finally, two key breakthrough directions are proposed: technologies for improving the convergence efficiency and enhancing decision trustworthiness in distribution networks.